We choose our staff very carefully. They have committed to a career in childcare and therefore have a genuine love for children. They are committed to developing each child to their full potential. Many of our staff have been part of the Rosemary Works team for 10 years and some of us for longer. We have a multi ethnic staff team ranging from young, newly qualified staff to experienced older members, with some of us in the middle! We have a large male work force. Each of the rooms are balanced with staff with different skill sets and different ages. We employ independent music teachers and artists. We also have one fully trained Forest School teacher who conducts weekly sessions with the children.
All our staff have extensive, ongoing training and all training needs are assessed regularly. We employ our own Early Years Specialist to ensure all the planning, observations and assessments are of the highest quality. We have monthly staff meetings and in-house training. Staff have regular supervisions and staff development meetings. We are supported by the Hackney Learning Trust who provide support, Early Years training courses and seminars, as well as long term development initiatives such as, ‘Eat Better, Start Better’ and the 27 Month Integrated Reviews.
All our staff are DBS checked (Disclosure Barring Service), to ensure they are suitable. All the staff are trained in safeguarding children. The majority of staff have paediatric first aid training and some are trained in dealing with allergies and anaphylaxis
- Staff training day
- ‘Onesie Wednesday’ autism awareness